Wednesday, December 21, 2011

SEI Webinar Series: Securing Information in the Healthcare Industry

(October 2010) Greg Porter and Randy Trzeciak talk about information security as related to the healthcare industry: network security, incident management, and insider threats. The complete version of this webinar can be viewed at

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Managing Culture - People CMM

!9# Managing Culture - People CMM

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Culture can be seen as the one (group of) people are described. They organize activities due to specific business requirements. They found solutions to some problems arising in this environment.

Some organizational units are closer to the business of others, and often much less concerned with cultural issues.

Information technology is often used in companies allow (finance, health, etc.) for more complex tasks. But the developmentICT systems is an activity that is separate from the company itself. There is a direct client to rotate and makes development more complex. Knowledge intensity is another factor of complexity.

To support this process of development of ICT, People-CMM can be useful.

The main objective is to improve the efficiency of the workforce. Capacity is a measure of knowledge, skills and conduct business, acquired through experience or training /Education (1)

Furthermore, based on some principles, for example, that the person responsible for the operational leadership and capable people the "capacity" is linked to business performance. Some of these principles are the theory of Jeffry pepper. Lead to a series of practices that can be seen as an integral part of Total Quality Management (TQM). But the failure to implement because of the lack of structure, the whole administration.

The first (process) maturity frameworkDeveloped by IBM, which has always been a big player in the software industry and is still within the range of modeling software from a company called rational fact.
The maturity framework builds an environment in practice and best practices for managing them in groups, thus enhancing the knowledge and skills to take on these groups can be replaced.

This framework has developed in the family: CMM to create software applications. And the people-CMM has been subtractedthat used in a similar manner as the Software CMM. The common element between the two is: knowledge.

Since the change in the software industry knowledge quickly, of crucial importance for many companies, and major requirements, the need to increase the skills critical to the future performance of the sector must be.

What is it exactly?

The People-CMM is a model of organizational change. It supports the change that is needed to increase the capacity of the workforce.

And ... Hardly changeoccurs without a change of culture:

"The CMM offers a unique approach to organizational development that this practice leads in stages (levels of maturity) to create a series of changes in corporate culture." (1)
"Although many of the standards process can change the culture of an organization is only a roadmap for implementation. The result, organizations often do not realize the actual standards because they tried to implement too much too quicklyand do not practice the initial right institution. "(1)

For example, the level "1 - initial"

As low maturity organizations rarely the responsibility of managers, inconsistencies can be expected. Consequently, how people are treated largely depends on the orientation staff, experience, and the single "social skills" from their leading managers, supervisors or team.

In the second "level" of maturity, the focus is on unity: "What must be done toUnits. "The idea is that you can not manage dependencies with other partners or the management of their own organization (department, unit) is not organized.

At level 5 there is a complete integration of the activities, practices, and ultimately the organization. Example Step 5:

At maturity level 5, individuals are encouraged to constantly improve their own work processes, making the analysis of their work and decisions necessary process improvements. Similarly, working groups will be togetherThe people, the processes of each individual work. To improve the ability of the working group should be integrated in the process of personal work in an efficient operating mode for the working group.

Culture is the behavior. And each level of maturity, behavioral characteristics, such as Level 1 (initial): Inconsistent handling:

Inconsistency in the implementation of practices that shift responsibilities, practices, rituals, and emotionally detached workforce.

Tothe second level of the first problems are solved, new look. The situation is now "managed" and focus on the activities of "Introduction to basic skills."
The most common problems include: work overload, environmental distractions, lack clear goals or feedback performance of relevant knowledge or skills, poor communication, low morale (1).

Defined at each level are process areas that meet a series of targets - when executed - leading to a contribution higherSkills. For example, for Level 2 processes: the personnel, compensation, performance management, etc. ..

At the third level, there is little synergy between the units that have their own practice.

To get around this is a necessary step to link the organization's key competencies (Prahalad and Hamel) with the workforce. Include this level of process areas: Participatory Culture. This is achieved by providing the missing link between organizational units andPerformance with its performance.

Step 4 is that as a "predictable" skills and is now managed at level 5, the organization in a position marked by continuous improvement practices to changing business needs. Label: tuning.

There are many advantages to using this approach - the management of both the organization and culture. It is a systematic, focused on the whole, and leads the development of human resources ...

Some of the disadvantagesare:

The system must be established before it can be used. (With) the system can become a destination in itself, but as a means to enhance and support the organization. What happens if the situation does not fit?

Then, organizations must be aware of when to use it. Professional organizations and mission-critical, it is often the example. But when it is of crucial importance. And how to change the system itself, if it is not the environment is no longer? The system is suitable for organizations that faceGrowth and decreasing in size?

And do not forget to consider how this system fits into existing systems in the organization?


Managing Culture - People CMM

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Saturday, August 20, 2011


!9# CMM and PMBOK

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CMM and CMMI is the most important quality standards for software. CMM / CMMI is beyond the scope of standards such as ISO, criteria for good software processes, which define the standards to be so attractive to companies with IT departments. CMM / CMMI processes to govern the entire IT organization and the entire lifecycle of software applications that must use the processes to govern software development. CMM / CMMI 's influence onProcesses that govern software development means that also affects the way they manage software development projects. PMI PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) is all over the world as the bible of project management best practices recognized. They relate to the management of projects in all sectors including the IT sector, so that the best practices of the PMBOK CMM / CMMI standards in any organization that wants to apply the two standards are concerned.

So farI know, nobody has attempted a CMM or CMMI standards, and nobody has the PMBOK PMBOK CMM or CMMI course tailored to create. This article is my attempt to offer advice to project managers, responsible for managing a software project in an organization that is charged for a CMM / CMMI-certified Level 2 or higher. Fortunately, these two requirements are not mutually exclusive, but influence each other so some care must be taken withProcesses used for the project. The best way to address the relationship of key process area (KPA), which happens quite accurately described in the PMBOK knowledge areas. This is not a guide to achieve CMM or CMMI certification, is not a manual for the implementation of best practices PMBOK, I'm just pointing out how to align the two standards. Since the target of this article is primarily project will begin with some basic information aboutCMM / CMMI.


CMM stands for Capability Maturity Model. CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration for standards developed by the CMM. CMM was developed for the federal government of the United States by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Melon with the University (CMU), in order to measure the quality of the defense contractor has developed associated processes. CMM developed a roadmap for continuous improvement of software through 5 phases are: initial, repeatable, defined,Managed and optimized, are then refined to avoid problems with the integration of CMM processes through the direction of the organization. The way YOU decided to do this was to identify the various methods for processes critical to define the areas of each process and criteria for defining the processes to meet. The processes in each of the key process areas (KPA) developed by each of the stages of development to reach level 5. The model is not intended to require that every practitioner processesLevel 5 Level 5 is for organizations like NASA, who need this level of process maturity.

Level 1 is the beginning of the phase for the model and in fact every organization, the software is created to be defined at level 1. Level 2 requires that the project management processes are established to track cost, schedule and functionality. This is the stage that each project that will implement the best practices of the PMBOK, and does not require the streamlining ofPMBOK and CMM. Level 3 requires that the software process for both management and engineering documented, standardized and implemented throughout the organization to all projects. This is the level that requires a degree of coordination between the project management and CMM.

CMM Level 2 processes required in the following areas:

Management Requirements Software Engineering Software project tracking and monitoring Software subcontract management Software QualitySecurity Software Configuration Management

All of these areas, with the exception of the software configuration management are described in detail by the PMBOK. Software configuration management is not covered and is usually one of the process resources that the project will take the place of the organization implementing the project. Software subcontract management do not apply to every project, so if your project does not require the purchase of products or services outsideThis field can be ignored.

CMM focuses on understanding the needs of customers in the software project, implementation of these requirements in the requirements and documentation of these requirements. The ability to be pursued in this field, a common understanding of what these requirements are met and proper documentation of requirements, so that they can be used to facilitate the implementation and monitoring of project activities. Planning of the project focuses on the development of realistic estimates for the workmust be done while maintaining a commitment to do the job. Planning includes the identification of objectives, the effort estimation, estimation of required resources, work planning and the identification of risks to the plan. Project monitoring and control requires the project manager to establish sufficient knowledge of the performance of the project, so that deviations from the plan can be identified and corrected. Corrections can also re-programming of the activities or actions, is theTeam to meet the existing plan. Management controls for third parties, such as qualified suppliers are selected and managed. The purpose of quality assurance is to create transparency in the processes and products to be produced and review processes to be built to ensure compliance with established standards. Software configuration management establishes and maintains the integrity of products and components through the construction process and throughout the software life cycle. This integrityis determined by checking the configuration of the product changes with a basic library. Changes to baselines controlled by processes of change control.

Level 3 focuses on the project and organizational issues that an effective software engineering processes and management of all projects to formalize away. The objective is to improve the organization of processes. The project manager can not be responsible for organizational standards, but you can ensure that the project they are managingsupport processes in 3 areas that make up the level-3 are:

Organization process focus (the focus is applied to the layer in general)

Organization process definition Training Program Software for the integrated management Software Product Engineering Inter-group coordination Peer Reviews

Definition of the processes, develops and maintains all of the assets of the performance improvement process of delivery. It also defines the data required by the process of quantitative management. An exampleThese data would be the test results. The process does not refer to specific tests, but rather as the test results will be used to improve software development. The training focuses on skills development and knowledge of CMM processes and has implemented the tasks required to run the project plan focused. The processes and activities in this area are more or less unchanged from the PMBOK. Integration processes, the project fits into the organizations standards, guidelines and capacity building in respect oftechnical requirements of the project. PMO and PMC are probably the most common example of this. Engineering processes are simply the processes and tools are used to produce the software. An example of a software product engineering RAD (Rapid Application Development) is. Code compiler and web application development platforms are other examples. Inter-group coordination integrates processes and tools used by project teams. An example of this integration is the participation of itsAnalyst Business Group in reviewing the designs through the software development team produces. Peer reviews are based on design reviews, code reviews or code walkthroughs.


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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

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